Which is the Easiest Server to Climb in LoL?

which is the easiest server in LoL

The climb to League of Legends‘ highest rank, Challenger, is a grueling journey for any player. There are multiple competitive servers in the global LoL scene, each server fostering its own ranked ladder and player bases striving to reach the peak. No server lacks talent and competition when it comes to a sweaty game like League.  

However, whispers of a server with a “smoother” path often lead to the mention of Oceania (OCE). Whose Plat is often considered equivalent to EUW’s silver. While it’s true OCE presents a unique landscape, claiming it’s the “easiest” server requires nuance.

Let’s talk more in-depth about why some may consider OCE as a walk in the park when compared to server giants like KR and EUW. 

Why is OCE considered the easiest?

Why is OCE considered the easiest

Firstly, it’s crucial to understand that “easy” is a relative term. OCE, with its smaller player base, boasts fewer players at the very top compared to giants like Korea (KR) and Europe West (EUW). This translates to a less competitive environment at the highest ranks. Climbing to Diamond or Master tier might be “easier” due to a smaller pool of high-level players.

However, this doesn’t diminish the skill and dedication required to reach the top in OCE. The professional scene, while smaller, still features talented individuals capable of challenging any aspiring Challenger. 

In addition, OCE is known for its low pings and a far less toxic environment than servers like NA. Not to mention the free skins Oceania is known to feature.

Note: If you want to know how to change your server, you can check out How to Change Your Server in LoL.

Smaller Ranked Playerbase

OCE smaller ranked player base

The smaller community fosters a tighter-knit environment, where top players are well-known and often face each other repeatedly. These repetitive encounters can be advantageous, as you can learn the patterns of your opponents, making your matchups more predictable and granting you the opportunities to counter-act accordingly.

Oceania’s Underlying Challenges 

Climbing the ladder in OCE still presents its own challenges. The smaller player pool can lead to longer queue times, especially at higher ranks. Additionally, the meta may differ slightly from other regions, requiring OCE players to adapt and learn specific champion pools or strategies.

While holding the advantages mentioned before, the small player base in OCE also means players will need to put in extra effort to adapt to their opponent’s strategies and constantly improve to maintain an edge. 

Related: Which Is The Hardest Server in LoL?


In conclusion, it’s more accurate to say OCE offers a different climbing experience, not necessarily an easier one. While reaching high Diamond or Master tier might be “easier” due to the smaller player base, the journey to Challenger still demands exceptional skill, dedication, and the ability to adapt to a unique environment.

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