Top 4 Heimerdinger Decks for Ranked LOR

Heimerdinger is definitely one of the most versatile champions in Legends of Runterra.

He has incredible synergies with a number of champions and always finds some way to stay in the game, exhausting out his opponent.

Today we’ll be showing you four competitive Heimerdinger decks you can use to climb ranks fast.

Solo Heimerdinger Deck For Sustain

The first deck we’ll be talking about features Heimerdinger alone, along with a plethora of spells in his pocket.

This deck is specifically designed to keep you in the game to the point you can fully utilize Heimerdinger’s skill.

Card Type Distribution Heimerdinger Deck


The cards in this deck have mixed mana costs, from one all the way upto eight. It consists of two regions, Bandle City and Piltover & Zaun. With this deck, you’re still viable after five to six rounds meaning you don’t have to rush down the opponent’s Nexus.

It’s a pretty spam-heavy deck where you’re constantly creating turrets and smaller units to fend off early attacks. Once you’re in the late game, you can use six plus mana cost spells to summon some heavy turret cavalry. All you need to make sure is you have a Heimerdinger in play before.

Cards Vs Mana Chart LoR

Strategy Guide

There isn’t a lot of strategy involved when using this deck as it has a pretty straight-forward win condition, keep Heimerdinger alive. Heimerdinger is a five mana-cost card meaning you won’t be able to summon him early. Don’t waste your low mana-cost units such as Conchologist, Ferrors Financier, Station Archivist, in attacking. Just use them to defend the enemy’s attacks.

Once you have five mana, place Heimerdinger on to the field. Now each time you play any spell, you will receive a turret. Since this deck is riddled with different mana cost spells, you can choose the one which best suits your situation.

Even though summoning the highest cost turret might be tempting, hold off on it until you need it. Remember that all turrets except the eight-mana turret have one health stat.


Tips & Tricks

  • When up against a deck with direct damage spells, wait till they’ve exhausted them before playing Heimerdinger.
  • Don’t waste spells unnecessarily, they will definitely come in handy later on.
  • Cycle through cards if needed. This deck is very reliant on set-up rather than pure aggression.

Ezreal Heimerdinger – Heavy Burn Deck

Whenever you see an Ezreal deck, you know it’s going to have a ton of direct damage. The reason why Heimerdinger goes perfectly with it is because it helps Ezreal stack up his damage spells making a devastating combo.

Card Type Distribution


Ezreal and Heimerdinger have completely different kits, with Ezreal focusing more on low mana cost, direct damage spells, and Heimerdinger spawning turrets left and right. However, when paired together, Ezreal has the luxury of burning the enemy Nexus’ health points slowly while Heimerdinger defends against attackers.

Unlike the solo heimerdinger deck, this deck is much more adaptable. Since many of Ezreal’s spells deal damage to the chosen targets, you can use them to pick off the opponent’s units while you chip down the enemy Nexus with your turrets. Either way, it is a powerful duo to go up against.

Strategy Guide

If you have played with Teemo or similar decks, you’’ll know that most of your job is just soaking up hits. A major chunk of your damage is done through spells (or turrets in some cases) so you need to make sure you can defend properly.

You can use Mystic Shock or Electric Harpoon to get rid of low health stat enemy units as this will give you a tempo advantage.

Mystic Shot

Once you’ve got more units on the battlefield than your opponent, you can start going on the offensive. Even if you do one or two damage per round to the enemy Nexus, you will still come on top due to the flurry of units you have. This is what makes it a great Heimerdinger deck for ranked.

The deck isn’t that great for late game though so make sure to end it as fast as you can.

Tips and Tricks

  • This deck struggles a lot against Noxian and Frejlord region decks as they have overwhelm. If you are up against them, don’t waste damage spells on units they won’t kill.
  • More often than not, you don’t want to wait for Heimerdinger’s skill to get into full swing. You don’t have many high mana cost spells meaning no high stat turrets.
  • Keep poking with Ezreal whenever you have a chance. Leveling him up should be on your priority list.

Heimerdinger Jayce – Piltover & Zaun’s Finest Deck

Heimerdinger’s best paired champion has been Jayce. With both champions rocking the same region, their synergy with each other has remained unmatched.

With a mix of tech followers, high mana cost spells, and “Quick Attack’ keywords, this is one of the best Heimerdinger decks for climbing the ranked ladder.

Card Type Distribution Heimerdinger Jayce


This deck is pretty unique as it merges Heimerdinger with the Shadow Isles, an uncommon pairing. It has a mix of different spells, most of them working to take out enemy units from the board. The cards have a similar goal to Ezreal Heimerdinger where you would take out units with your spells while attacking with your turrets.

If you’re wondering how Jayce fits into all this, let us explain. Jayce levels up fairly easily i.e. after you play two six mana cost spells. Once he levels up, he receives Acceleration Gate, which allows him to give quick attack to all allies.

With this, you can consistently batter down your enemies until they have nothing left to defend with.

No of Cards vs Mana Heimerdinger Deck

Strategy Guide

When playing Heimerdinger Jayce, you can’t just throw out random spells as you please. You should follow a combo playstyle where each spell activates the effects of another. For example, Adaptatron 3000 shares keywords with any tech follower you play after it. This means you should summon it before putting down your turrets so it receives all those keywords.

Your main goal will be to have some units set up before leveling up Jayce. Once Jayce is leveled up, you can start going after the enemy Nexus. If you are able to level up Heimerdinger as well, that’s a bonus but not your win condition.

You should also look to pick off low health stat followers with your Mystic Shot, Quietus, and Soul Harvest in the early game as they can stack up as well.

Tips and Tricks

  • Be aware of heavy burn decks that deal direct damage to the Nexus. Since you need time to be viable, they can take you out pretty quick.
  • Don’t let the enemy stack units as this will throw off your tempo. Jayce’s Acceleration Gate grants “Quick Attack” which is only useful while attacking.
Accelaration Gate

The Takeaway

If you’ve read this far, you know that Heimerdinger is a viable pickup in this patch’s ranked scene. With an easy-to-pick-up playstyle that doesn’t get boring, these are the three best Heimerdinger decks for ranked. Try these out one at a time and see which you like best.

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